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  • Dunk Tank

    The following is information relating to the Dunk Tank set up and proposed rules associated with it's use.

    Dunk Tank Set Up Video

    Dunk Tank Deployment steps:

    1) Reserve Dunk Tank date by contacting Lt. Rudloff (360)280-9012.  See association web page calendar for dates the tank is already spoken for.

    2) Event vendor space needed will be approximately 20 ft. x20 Ft. and outdoor environment. Remember you will need to be the operator of the dunk tank so you will need to recruit other Deputies and/or Office members to be the “dunkees” during the event. Advice is to make it no more than 2 or 3 hour shifts for the “dunkee”. If they are Deputies ask them to simply wear their jumpsuit and go barefoot but certainly they can wear other forms of our uniform if they don’t mind. It should go without saying but just to cover all basis let’s don’t be wearing tools of the trade in the dunk tank. A completely empty gun belt would be fine if you can find an old one. All dunk tank operators and “dunkees” must sign our waiver and read the dunk tank rules. It is the responsibility of the operator to make sure that happens so Operator needs to check out our member website, read everything and download the appropriate number of waivers and forms that will be needed. As you do this watch the dunk tank set up video one time and you should then easily be able to set it up at your event. It is not hard at all.

    3) On event date (or evening prior if no conflict) pickup dunk tank stored at Patrol in the bay. Everything you will need is there but it will require a pickup or trailer. There is a very nice pickup loading ramp that is stored with the dunk tank and although it is not exactly easy, one decently strong person can load it solo if you take all the extra metal off the tank first. Once loaded there are 4 tie-down straps with the dunk tank. Please use them to secure the load!! If you do not have any access to a pickup or trailer but are still willing to deploy the tank to an event, please let me know (Lt. Rudloff) at the time you reserve the tank. I will let any member borrow my personal pickup for this purpose.

    4) Once at your event you can set up the dunk tank very easily if you have watched the set-up video prior to. Just like the loading, this is a one-person job and does not require anything special other than the obvious water source. You will have needed to seek out the question of water source with the event location which may require you to bring hoses because that is the one thing I did not get. I also believe most any one of us could call the local fire Department and ask for a favor to come fill the tank if you were in a very remote situation so keep that in mind.

    5) The dunk tank comes with balls, a special back drop with our logo and a bucket set up for donation. You can run the event as you choose but my advice would simply be to not set a $ fee for people wanting to dunk the Deputy. I think at will donation is the best scenario.

    6) After the event is over you will need to release the water from the tank by tipping down the sides until it’s all out. Pack it all back up and return it to storage. If there was damage to the dunk tank don’t be rude and not say anything. Instead, let Lt. Rudloff know so we can ensure we keep it operational for the next member.

    7) Forward all signed waiver forms to Lt. Rudloff after the event. Take 10% of the total money collected and give it to the Asc. Treasure, Lisa Dracobly. This will continue to occur until the debt for the purchase is paid off in full. She knows that number. Take the rest of the donation money to your charity entity and present it to them but YOU MUST get some form of receipt showing that amount. Even if it is a hand-written note, get something for recording purpose. Then forward that receipt to Lt. Carter who will hold it for record purpose. One last nice thing would be to send a pic and story line about the charity money made to the Agency PIO.

    That is the whole process folks, lets have fun and do some good while promoting our Association! 

    Order By: [Date] [Name] [Ascendant]

    Dunk Tank Safety Rules
    06/24/2019 - 0.01MB
    Dunk Tank Waiver
    06/24/2019 - 0.10MB

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